Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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Vacancies (27)  Vacancies through RSS

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Sector Manager

Employer CERR

Information on vacancy
Period of publication 03.10.2024 - 01.11.2024
Field of activity /
Science, education / Research officer
Duties -Performs scientific management of a group of workers in the study of independent topics, or conducts research and development of the most complex and responsible work as a performer.
-Develops plans and methodological programs for research and development.
-Organizes the collection and study of scientific and technical information on the topic, conducts analysis and theoretical synthesis of scientific data, the results of experiments and observations.
-Checks the correctness of the results obtained by the employees working under his direction.
-Takes part in professional development of personnel.
Requirements to the candidate
Age: 25-45
Gender: Irrelevant
Residence: Fergana
Education: Higher
Professional requirements -Provides the results of research and development.
- Higher economic degree and work experience in the relevant area for at least 2 years, academic degree. Skills in working with Stata, Eviews, R
Working conditions
Region Fergana region
Employment Full
Salary offered 15 000 000
Extra motivation -Competitive compensation for a job
- Self-realization in scientific and creative activities, great opportunities for a career growth.
- Decent working conditions.
- Maintaining a corporate team spirit, formed and motivating collective culture.
- Formalization and social guarantees based on Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Additional information
Additional information: The Center for Economic Research and Reforms under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established with an aim of improving the quality of initiatives on socio-economic reforms, performance and orientation of ongoing research and reforms on the realization of priority objectives and increasing their significance in constructing the vector of socio-economic policies of the country.

If you like this vacancy and you believe that requirements set match your specialization, educational background, work experience, and skills you can send your resume for this vacancy.

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