Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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Dear job seekers!
We are glad to welcome you on our website and we hope that with our help, you will find a job that will allow you to fully realise your potential and satisfy your interests.
Advantages of UzJobs services
Actual vacancies and real companies
Reliable protection from unauthorised access
Strict control over announcements, which precludes dubious employment
Ready resume templates with directions on how to fill them correctly
Operative technical support and personal manager
A wide range of free and paid services
Online control over account balances
Extra bonuses

Registration on UzJobs allows you to use the following services:
Submit a resume on the website database
Upon placing the resume, you will have granted access to your data to a large number of employers registered on the website and interested in finding employees. Ready resume templates with directions on how to fill them will help you to create the most informative and presentable resume.
Send resume for the vacancies on the website
Automatic sending of the resume for the vacancies you like will accelerate your search. Apart from resumes, you can send motivational and recommendation letters.
Track activities concerning your resume
Special sections of your personal account will help you to keep track of which employer has seen your resume. This will allow you to know which companies are interested in your resume. You can also find out whether your response for a vacancy has been seen or not.
Set the status of your resume
You can set either of the two statuses for your resume: "Searching for a job" or "Found a job". This will let the employers know if you are in an active search for a job or you are already employed and are now considering some enticing counter-offers.
Subscribe to vacancy distribution
Subscribe to distribution and receive regular updates through e-mail on the available jobs, fields of activity, and the positions you are interested in most.
Move resume to the TOP
Every day dozens of new resumes are added to the website. This shifts the previously published resumes to the bottom of the list. "Move resume to the TOP" prioritises your resume, moving it to the top of the list.
Payment according to the price list
Enable privacy mode
Protect yourself from random resume-views and unwanted calls. Your resume will not be displayed on public database, and it will only be available to the employers to whose resumes you have responded.
Payment according to the price list
Grant public access to your resume
Information in your resume (including contacts), will be open to the public. This will give your resume the priority to be viewed on a general database of candidates.
Payment according to the price list
Place resume in an advertisement area
Placing resume in a special advertisement area for job seekers will attract maximum attention of potential employers.
Payment according to the price list
Send resume to virtual "Company Reception"
If you dream of working in a particular company, but it does not have a suitable vacancy for you, you can take the initiative! Send your resume to the virtual "Company Reception" and let the employer know that you dream of working in their company, and you will not hesitate upon receiving a counter-offer.
Payment according to the price list
Buy documents from section "Manuals for HR officers"
The manuals for HR officers, found on the website, contain a complete list of documents required for controlling staff office: templates, application forms, orders, labour contracts, and other internal regulations.
Payment according to the price list

See the price list

Personal account



  About the project
User Agreement
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  Price List
How to pay?
  Manuals for HR officers

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