Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
Study facilities

Dear representatives of study facilities!
We are glad to welcome you on our website and we hope that with our help you will effectively promote your educational activities among UzJobs users! They include both the perspective and the experienced specialists, who intend to get better education and receive advanced training. Besides, there are also companies seeking to provide their staff with professional development.
Advantages of UzJobs services
Add and edit announcements in the blink of an eye
Tap a wide pool of potential students
Place advertisements on training courses and vacancies
Enjoy operative technical support and personal manager
Exploit a wide range of free and paid services
Control account balance online
Receive bonuses

Registration on UzJobs allows you to use the following services:
Create a business card of study facility
A business card of a study facility is an online representation of the institution on our website. It provides the users with general information about the facility's activities, education services, disciplines, and contact information.
Place announcements about courses and curricula
The announcements allow you to inform the website users on the forthcoming courses, training, seminars, and curricula, thus attracting potential students.
Payment according to price list
Move announcements to the TOP
New announcements are added to the website on a daily basis. This shifts the previously published resumes to the bottom of the list. "Move announcements to the TOP" prioritises your resume and places it at the top of the list.
Payment according to the price list

See the price list
If your study facility is also interested in recruitment, please read the information provided in section "For study facilities."

Personal account



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