CONTRACT FOR PAID SERVICES ON UZJOBS WEBSITES By present Public offer Informational Rating Agency SAIPRO (hereinafter the Company), a legal entity created under the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and registered at: Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 100117, 1-Gulistan Street, 29 – acting in the person of Director-General R.E.Juraev, pursuant to the Charter, is willing to offer a contract for paid subscription services on the Websites of UzJobs project (, to any individual or legal entity (Subscriber), who has received the unique information for identification (Username and Password) to log in on secure pages of the Websites (Personal Account). 1. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1. | The subject of the present contract is the rendering of paid subscription services to the Subscriber on the Websites of UzJobs project, namely and | 1.2. | The Websites of UzJobs project, hereinafter the Websites, are purposed for searching job and education; selecting personnel; and posting information about companies, vacancies, educational curricula and resumes. | 1.3. | Subscription services are provided to the Subscriber according to the official documents of the Company, namely "User Agreement", which applies for all Websites of UzJobs project; "Price List" and "Rules" approved for each Website separately. Operating versions of each of these documents can be found at the corresponding sections of the Websites. | 2. CONTRACT ACCEPTANCE 2.1. | By effecting the payment for the Company's services, the Subscriber is due to unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of the contract. | 2.2. | At the request of the Subscriber, the Company draws up the Contract for subscription services, affirmed with signatures and stamps on the part of both parties. | 3. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF PARTIES 3.1. | The Company from the moment of the Contract's acceptance is obligated to: | 3.1.1. | Render services to the Subscriber in full correspondence with the official documents of the Company, including "User Agreement ", which applies for all Websites of UzJobs project; "Price List" and "Rules" approved for each Website separately. | 3.1.2. | According to the Terms and Conditions of "User Agreement", provide confidentiality of the personal information of the Subscriber, received from him or her during the registration on the Websites. | 3.2. | The Company is entitled to: | 3.2.1. | Cease the rendering of services in the event that the account balance of the Subscriber drops below the mark indicated in the Price List. | 3.2.2. | Cease the rendering of services in the event of repairing-preventive operations. In this case the Subscriber must be informed not less than 24 hours until the day of their commencement. The notification is carried out through the publication of the corresponding information on the Websites of the Company. | 3.2.3. | Revise and make changes in the official documents of the Company, which regulate the rendering of service, namely "User Agreement", which applies for all Websites of UzJobs project; "Price List" and "Rules" approved for each Website separately. The notification is carried out through the publication of the corresponding information on the Websites of the Company not less than 10 days before these changes come into effect. | 3.2.4. | Delete the Subscriber's Personal account, nullifying herewith the personal account balance, in the event that the Subscriber has not used his or her Personal account for more than 12 months. | 3.3. | The Subscriber is obliged to: | 3.3.1. | Independently familiarise with the official documents of the Company, namely "Rules", "User Agreement" and "Price List", which are available on the Websites, as well as to track changes made therein. Using the Websites after the changes have come into effect entails the Subscriber's agreement with changes made. | 3.3.2. | Independently check, on a regular basis, his or her personal account balance and insure that it is positive, by effecting timely prepayments for the Websites' services exploited, as per the official Price List and the 4th part of the present Contract. | 3.3.3. | Execute all conditions and requests of the company while using the services, as stated in "User Agreement" and "Rules". | 3.4. | The Subscriber is entitled to: | 3.4.1. | Demand the commencement of the rendering of paid services not later than 24 hours from the moment of effecting the payment. | 4. PRICE OF SERVICES AND THE PROCEDURE OF PAYMENT UNDER THE CONTRACT 4.1. | The cost of paid services is set in correspondence with the official Price List, set for every Website separately and published in the corresponding sections thereof. | 4.2. | Access to paid services is granted only after the prepayment effected by the Subscriber has been transferred to the personal account of the Company. | 4.3. | The sum of prepayment is determined solely by the Subscriber, but it cannot be less than the minimum value set in the Price List. | 4.4. | Paid subscription services are rendered in correspondence with the sum of prepayment. | 4.5. | Prepayments are made by the Subscriber by any of the means listed on the Websites in "Payments" sections. In the event that payment means are changed the Subscriber shall be responsible for the payments effected as per the outdated information from the moment of publication of relevant information on the Websites. | 4.6. | In order for the prepayment to be made the Company opens the "Personal account" of the Subscriber whereby the prepayment is tracked. The expenditure of prepayment is carried out on the basis of the data represented at the account. The Subscriber can be familiarized with this information in his or her personal account (section "Transactions") at any time. | 4.7. | In the event that the personal account balance drops below the mark set in the Price List, the rendering of service will be blocked. Restoration of access is made through replenishing account balance on the basis of the following prepayments. Hereby the Subscriber takes responsibility for the accuracy of payments made. In the case of a dispute on the fact of payment the Subscriber will provide the office of the Company with documents, certified by the authorised representatives of the organisations which have conducted the prepayment of the Subscriber. | 5. LIABILITY OF THE PARTIES AND THE ORDER OF DISPUTE RESOLUTION 5.1. | The parties' responsibilities under present Contract are regulated by User Agreement, available on the Websites of the Company. | 5.2. | Under circumstances not provided by User Agreement, the parties take full responsibility for the breach of obligations in correspondence with the present legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. | 5.3. | All disputes or disagreements arising between the parties in the course of execution of the present contract are settled through negotiations. | 5.4. | In the event that the disputes may not be settled through negotiations, they will be subjected to judicial review in correspondence with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. | 6. FORCE MAJEURE 6.1. | Parties are not responsible for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Contract due to force majeure, namely floods, epidemics, or other natural forces; war or military action, strikes, emergencies and other similar circumstances; changes in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan; actions and/or acts of official bodies and the government which prevent the execution of obligations under this contract. | 6.2. | The period of executing the obligations under the Contract is extended according to the time during which such the circumstances were in force. | 6.3. | In the case of force majeure the Company must notify the Subscriber within 15 working days since the force majeure took place. | 6.4. | In the event that the effect of force majeure has lasted more than 1 (one) month, every party is entitled to withdraw from the execution of their obligations under present contract. Herewith the compensation for possible damages caused to the other party by such withdrawal is not carried out. | 7. CHANGING CONTRACT TERMS AND ITS TERMINATION 7.1. | The contract comes into effect from the moment of its conclusion (the Contract is considered as accepted upon the transfer of prepayment to the personal account of the Company). The validity of this contract is unlimited. | 7.2. | The Contract can be terminated by the Parties in the event that terms and obligations of this Contract have been breached, as well as on the grounds provided for in the Public offer and the civil law of the Republic of Uzbekistan. | 7.3. | Either party may unilaterally terminate this Contract by notifying the other party in written form not less than ten days before the intended date of termination. |
Personal account |