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International Water Management Institute

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
International representative offices / International organizations
Description: IWMI is a research-for-development (R4D) organization, with offices in 13 countries and a global network of scientists operating in more than 30 countries. For over three decades, our research results have led to changes in water management that have contributed to social and economic development.
Based on evidence and knowledge drawn from our science, innovative technologies and testing of business models, IWMI works with governments, farmers, water managers, development partners and businesses to solve water problems and scale up solutions. Together with our partners, we combine research with data to build and enhance knowledge, information services and products, strengthen capacity, convene dialogue and deliver actionable policy analysis to support the implementation of solutions for water management.

IWMI's value proposition is unique. It rests on our track record of more than 30 years of rigorous, solutions-oriented water management research, built on long term partnerships at local, country and regional levels, a sustained field presence across Africa and Asia, and recognized through the award of the prestigious Stockholm Water Prize in 2012.

IWMI is a Research Center of CGIAR, the global research partnership for a food-secure future. The 2019-2021 CGIAR System Business Plan calls for innovation to transform the global system to address the world's urgent challenges. In its commitment to this shared ambition, IWMI leads the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), which, with other CGIAR Centers and partners develops, disseminates and catalyzes solutions for sustainable and resilient land and water management.

IWMI works through collaborative research with many partners in the North and South, and targets policymakers, development agencies, individual farmers and private sector organizations.

IWMI's Vision reflected in its Strategy 2019-2023, is 'a water-secure world'. IWMI targets water and land management challenges faced by poor communities in developing countries, and through this contributes towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of reducing poverty and hunger and maintaining a sustainable environment.
Benefits of working in the company: This is a locally recruited position with a competitive salary.
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