Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs website (, hereinafter the Website, is purposed for the search of jobs or courses and curricula, staff recruitment and placement of information about companies, vacancies, curricula and resumes on the Internet. The Subscriber of the Website is an individual or legal entity, who has received unique identification information (Username and Password) for entering protected pages of the Website (Personal Account).

By using the Website, the Subscriber agrees with the Terms and Conditions provided herein.

The administration of the Website can revise and change the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement, with a ten-day notice before the new Terms and Conditions come into effect. The responsibility for checking for such changes lies with the Subscriber. Using the Website after the changes have come into effect entails the Subscriber's Agreement with them.

Using the website the Subscriber is obliged:
1. To accept full responsibility for the safety of the unique information for identification (Username and Password) for entering protected pages of the Website, as well as for exploiting any of the services of the website by using the unique information for identification.
2. To take responsibility for the possible damage caused to either him/her, or the administration of the Website, or the third parties, either by intentional or accidental transfer of unique information for identification to persons not entitled to this information.
By using the Website, the Subscriber is obliged to abstain from committing the following actions:
1. Placing, saving, loading or deleting through the Website materials (information) that infringe the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the international legislation, including materials containing the ideas of religious extremism, separatism, and fundamentalism; calls for riots or forced eviction of citizens, or calls aimed at creating panic amongst the population; materials containing violence or cruelty; materials with pornographic content.
2. Placing and/or transferring through the Website information which can be contraindicative, menacing, indecent, slanderous, false, obscene, or infringing the rights of other Subscribers.
3. Using contact information (names, addresses, telephones and others) of the third parties, unless the third parties have otherwise allowed for such actions to take place.
4. Placing inadequate information on the Website.
5. Placing messages of advertising, commercial and agitating character, or messages with attached files that include such information, or messages not relating to the purpose of the Website, except for cases provided by the Administration of the Website.
6. Using the announcements of the Website, the resumes of job seekers, company descriptions and vacancies, educational courses and curricula for purposes that do not correspond with the purpose of the Website (searching for job or education, personnel selection, gathering information about labour market and educational services).
7. Disturbing other Subscribers of the Website through spreading computer viruses, causing data contamination, constantly disseminating repetitive information, simultaneously sending big quantities of e-mails and/or requests to the Website with the purpose of damaging it.
8. Distributing information not requested by the Subscribers of the Website through e-mails of advertising, commercial and agitation character, as well as letters containing obscene and indecent expressions and suggestions.


The Administration of the Website puts all efforts into avoiding unauthorized and improper usage of personal information of Website subscribers by any individuals or organisations.

In the meantime, the Administration of the Website has the right to reveal such information by the request of authorised state organs operating in correspondence with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and entitled to its acquirement.

The Administration of the Website is also authorised for using the information of the Subscriber anonymously for statistic and marketing services, and also for notifying the Subscribers about the services.

The Administration of the Website is not responsible for possible improper usage of personal information, caused by:

Transfer of unique information for identification to other Subscribers for access to the protected pages of the Website.
Improper usage of the information of the Website by registered Subscribers and/or other organisations, infringing upon the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement.


Every Subscriber of the Website, either an individual or a legal entity, is responsible for the information they place on the Website, and for the consequences thereof.

Hereby the Subscriber is aware that the information placed on the Website by him or her and other Subscribers, must pass through obligatory checkup (moderation) by the Administration of the Website. In the course of the checkup, all information contradicting to the rules of the Website will be blocked (not allowed for publication), including:

Announcements, offering employment in the following fields: gaming business, occult and erotic services, earning through the Internet, processing of e-mails, network marketing.
Announcements which do not relate to the purpose of the Website (i.e. they do not relate to job search and education, to staff search, and to announcing educational curses and curricula).


Every Subscriber of the Website, either and individual or a legal entity, is responsible for the information placed on their behalf, and for the possible consequences thereof.

The Administration of the Website puts all efforts in excluding slack, inexact, incomplete information, but the persons who have placed such information still remain responsible for them.

Since identification of the Subscribers of the Website is difficult, the Administration of the Website does not vouch for the authenticity of the identity of the users registered on the Website, as well as for possible damage inflicted to the Subscribers of the Website on this account.

Using the information from the Website, the Subscriber confirms his/her awareness and accepts the risks related to the unreliability of the information on the Website.

The Administration of the Website does not guarantee that published vacancies, educational courses and resumes shall be reviewed by any number of users, or at least by one.

The link to the Website is required whenever the materials of the Website are being reprinted or used in any other way.


The Administration of the Website is not responsible for direct or consequential loss, caused to the Subscriber as a result of usage or impossibility of usage of the materials of the Website, by reasons indicated below, but not limited to them: presence of defects, faults in any electronic or mechanical equipments or software not related to the Company; repairing-preventive works on the communication lines serving the Subscriber; problems with data transfer not caused by the Company; electric failure; absence of the internet network of the Subscriber.

The Website can contain links to other internet-resources. The Administration of the Website is not responsible for the accessibility of such resources or validity of their content.


Paid services of the Website that are offered to its Subscribers (individuals or legal entities) are regulated by the Public offer, published on the Website.

The Administration of the Website is not a representative of applicants publishing their resumes on the Website, or educational organisations announcing educational courses or curricula. For this reason the Administration of the Website is not responsible for any financial obligations taking place between the Subscribers of the Website. Any agreements between the Subscribers of the Website are bilateral, and the Administration of the Website does not claim any responsibility for them.

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