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Consultancy for studying International Practice in Recovery Big Borrowers Fund/Agency

Employer MEF

Information on vacancy
Period of publication 06.09.2024 - 19.09.2024
Field of activity /
Finance, accounting, consulting / Consultant
Duties The scope of work for the consultant includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:
a. Reviewing relevant literature, reports, and existing studies on Recovery Big Borrowers Funds/Agencies, both privately and publicly owned, in different countries.
b. Conducting interviews and consultations with experts, practitioners, and stakeholders in countries with established funds/agencies, both privately and publicly owned, to gather insights and firsthand experiences.
c. Analyzing the legal, supervisory, and regulatory frameworks governing Recovery Big Borrowers Funds/Agencies, both privately and publicly owned, including any specific legislation or policies in place.
d. Examining the governance structures, organizational setups, and operational processes of successful funds/agencies, both privately and publicly owned, including their decision-making mechanisms and accountability measures.
e. Assessing the financial mechanisms employed by these funds/agencies, such as fund sources, capitalization, and loan recovery strategies.
f. Compare the experiences and results observed in countries that have established centralized funds/agencies against those that have opted for an on-balance sheet approach for NPL management and resolution.
g. Identifying key success factors, challenges, and lessons learned from the international experiences studied.
h. Developing a set of practical recommendations and best practices tailored to the local context, considering regulatory frameworks, institutional capacities, and specific requirements.
Requirements to the candidate
Age: from 25
Gender: Irrelevant
Residence: The Consultant will be based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Education: Irrelevant
Professional requirements - Graduate/advanced degree in business, finance, law, economics, banking or other related discipline.
- At least 10 years of international experience in advising and implementing financial sector reforms, including contributions to banking regulations and financial stability reforms;
- At least 5 years of professional and/or academic experience working on credit risk management and the resolution of distressed assets, either with a financial institution, a financial sector supervisor or an educational organization with strong ties to financial sector issues on NPL resolution and credit portfolio management and at least 3 projects in these areas.
- Familiarity with relevant international good practices related to distressed asset management, including those issues by the Basel Committee and the European authorities;
- Excellent report writing and presentation skills;
- Proficiency in English and preferably knowledge of the Russian language.
Working conditions
Region Tashkent
Employment Full
Salary offered determined by the result of the negotiation
Additional information
Additional information: Duration of assignment
The consultant will be engaged full time for a period of 6 months and will be required to spend a minimum of 3 weeks on site during the contract period.

Reporting and Communication.
The consultant will report and communicate progress, findings, and recommendations to the designated stakeholders. Meetings and consultations with the Ministry of Economy and Finance will be scheduled as necessary to ensure effective communication and coordination. The Consultant will be responsible for scheduling all other meetings with experts, practitioners, and stakeholders in countries with established funds/agencies, as well as for collecting the necessary information to complete the activity. All plans/reports will be provided in English or /and Russian.

Confidentiality and Data Protection.
The consultant shall maintain strict confidentiality and comply with data protection regulations when handling sensitive information obtained during the study.

If you like this vacancy and you believe that requirements set match your specialization, educational background, work experience, and skills you can send your resume for this vacancy.

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