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Employer PIU IUDP under MIIT

Information on vacancy
Period of publication 23.09.2024 - 22.10.2024
Field of activity /
Duties The main tasks of the project MS are to directly manage the following areas:
ensure supervision over implementation of Governmental decisions, orders of MIIT RUz, tasks assigned by the Head of PIU on project implementation;
monitoring of project progress, activity of the Project Management Consultants and Contractors; evaluation of activity performance, making proposals to the Head of PIU on corrective measures to address problems;
collect project implementation data and results in accordance with the project design and monitoring framework in the project administration manual (PAM)
prepare consolidated quarterly project monitoring reports for submission to ADB and to other authorities;
monitoring of collecting reports from all project components;
monitoring of financial commitments of participating organizations in accordance with Subloan Agreements
Requirements to the candidate
Age: 30-65
Gender: Irrelevant
Residence: Local
Education: Irrelevant
Professional requirements Bachelor's degree in Business Administration/ Economics/ Law or any other related field from a recognized university (a Master's Degree in Business Administration/ Economics/ Law will be an advantage).
Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience, of which at least 3 years in international financial institutions.
High standard of integrity and ability to maintain confidentiality of information related to project.
Computer literacy in the use of IT applications (Windows, Word, Excel, Power Point or equivalent).
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English, Uzbek and Russian.
Working conditions
Region Tashkent
Employment Full
Salary offered 1100

If you like this vacancy and you believe that requirements set match your specialization, educational background, work experience, and skills you can send your resume for this vacancy.

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