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Environmental and Social Impact Specialist

Employer Uzsuvtaminot JSC, AFD PIU

Information on vacancy
Period of publication 11.10.2024 - 24.10.2024
Field of activity /
Duties The Environment Safeguard Specialist will be responsible for the developing, receiving approvals from local bodies and AFD, monitoring and supervision of implementation of ESMF, ESMP and RAP (Environmental and Social Management Frameworks, Environmental and Social Management Plans and Resettlement Action Plan) which will be written by the detail designer and validated by the technical assistant to the PIU and Checklists under the Project. The Environment Safeguard Specialist will supervise the contractors' teams to ensure that all environmental commitments as outlined in the ESMF are incorporated into the construction activities and work processes.
PIU Environment Safeguard Specialist carries out his/her duties in accordance with the tasks and functions set out in this Terms of Reference. In order to fulfil the assignment, Environmental Safeguard Specialist will perform the following duties:
• Assist and support PIU Coordinator in implementation of environmental safeguard commitments as outlined in the project Financing, Grant, and Project Agreements.
• Implementation of all aspects of ESMF/ESMP and RAP, including environmental screening and filling the screening checklists for each subproject to be undertaken under the project.
• Ensure the compliance of subprojects with current environmental legislation in the Republic of Uzbekistan, instructions, and standards for environment protection and safeguards and WB directives: ESS (Environmental and Social Standards) and EHS (Environmental, Health and Safety) for the WWTP.
• Assist and support the PIU in developing ToR for the selection of consultants and contractors in terms of environmental and social safeguards.
• Review and further strengthen the capacity and support to the Uzsuvtaminot JSC and Suvtaminotis JSC in implementing environmental safeguard policies.
• Together with PIU develop in compliance with environmental safeguard. conducting tenders and drafting contracts with consultants and contractors in terms of supervising, providing oversight for and supporting contractors in achieving their responsibilities as outlined in the ESMF and subproject ESMPs and Checklists.
• To ensure that the contractors prepare site-specific ESMP and RAP gets it approved from PIU and AFD before the start of physical works.
• Carrying out frequent field visits and conduct monitoring for ESMF/ESMP and RAP implementation.
• Participation in the AFD's implementation support missions.
• Closely collaborating with social and environmental specialists of Suvtaminotis JSCs in project regions.
• Identifying and preparing environmental induction and training materials; training calendar and conduct/manage ESMF/ESMP training for the PIU personnel, supervision consultant and contractors' staff in accordance with the Training Plan given in ESMP.
• Responding to and documenting environmental incidents/accidents based on the field reports.
• To ensure and help contractors and supervision consultant in documenting and maintaining record (written, photographic) for the environmental safeguards including occupational and community related accidents during the project implementation.
• Preparing quarterly progress reports for submission to AFD and other stakeholders as defined in the ESMF/ESMP and site specific ESMPs.
• Together with PIU establish and maintain a grievance management system and record for community complains and maintenance the complains register.

The Environment Specialist will ensure that the project remains compliant with the relevant World Bank operational policies and guidelines:
– OP / BP 4.01 Environmental Assessment
– OP / BP 4.04 Natural Habitats
– OP 4.09 Pest Management
– OP 4.11 Physical Cultural Resources
– OP / BP 4.12 Involuntary Resettlement
– OP / BP 4.20 Gender and development
– OP 4.10 Indigenous Peoples
– OP / BP 4.36 Forests
– OP / BP 4.37 Safety of Dams
– OP / BP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways
– OP / BP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas
– Environmental and Social Impact Specialist should be responsible for the UNESCO-Project interface and the land acquisition process.

In order to fulfil the assignment, PIU Environment Specialist will
• work closely with JSC Uzsuvtaminot, Suvtaminotis JSCs and other government authorities as well as liaising with the AFD's Team.
• take the appropriate current reporting (operational, monthly, quarterly, and annual) from the work contractors to perform the tasks assigned in accordance with present Terms of Reference.
Requirements to the candidate
Age: Irrelevant
Gender: Irrelevant
Residence: Uzbekistan
Education: Higher
Professional requirements • Higher education in environment, social science, land management, natural resources management, occupational health and safety or other relevant discipline;
• Minimum of 3 years of relevant professional experience, including applied experience in social risk management and social safeguards in International Financial Institutions (IFIs) funded projects;
• Knowledge of international good practice for management of social risks, including International and National Policy on Environmental Health and Safety, Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability.
• Experience with social risk management issues, including gender sensitivity, inclusion of vulnerable groups, stakeholder consultation, citizen engagement, forced and child labour and grievance redress;
• Good command of national legislation (environment, social, land);
• Excellent organizational and communication skills;
• Excellent knowledge of Uzbek and Good knowledge of report-writing skills in English;
• Computer literacy in MS office.
Working conditions
Region Tashkent
Employment Part-time
Salary offered According to the budget
Additional information
Additional information: The Government of Uzbekistan received a loan from Agence Française de Développement (AFD) for the implementation of a centralized sanitation systems and developing associated sanitation services in a sustainable way in the three urban centers of Karmana (Navoi province), Kitab,
and Shakhrisabz (both in Kashkadarya province) (hereinafter Project). The implementation period
of the Project is 72 months.

The specific objectives of the Project are: (i) to provide access to a well-managed sanitation service in the selected project area; (ii) to reduce pollution of the environment, (iii) to preserve
the water resource and to reuse wastewater treated for irrigation, and (iv) to strengthen
the Suvtaminotis' skills to operate and maintain the service and to improve the quality of services.
The project encompasses the following components.


Sub-component 1.1 - Reconstruction and extension of a centralized sanitation system in the city of Shakhrisabz (Shakhrisabz sub-project) - AFD financed

Shakhrisabz (135,000 inhabitants) in Kashkadarya province is equipped with a centralized sanitation system in very poor structural condition and with limited coverage. Only 20% of households are connected to the sewer network, whereas the raw effluent is conveyed and discharged directly
in a watercourse, bypassing a non-functional soviet-era wastewater treatment plant.
The project will provide for the reconstruction of the sewer network as well as its extension (indicative total length: 300 km), aiming at approximately 80% coverage of the population. It will include
the connection of 27,850 households to the sanitation system. It will also provide for the dismantling of the old wastewater treatment plant, and the construction under a Design-Build-Operate contract
of a new facility compatible with the reuse of the treated effluent in irrigation. In addition, the project will cover the engineering services conventionally associated (detailed design, tender documentation preparation, support to tendering process, works supervision).

Sub-component 1.2 - Construction of a centralized sanitation system in the city of Kitab
(Kitab sub-project) - AFD financed

Kitab (45.000 inhabitants), in the Kashkadarya province, is not equipped with a centralized sanitation system. The Project will provide for the construction of a sewer network (indicative total length 140 km), aiming at approximately 80% coverage of the population. It will include
the connection of 10,000 households to the sanitation system. It will also provide for the construction under a Design-Build- Operate contract of a modern wastewater treatment plant compatible
with the reuse of the treated effluent in irrigation. In addition, the project will cover the engineering services conventionally associated (detailed design, tender documentation preparation, support
to tendering process, works supervision).

Sub-component 1.3 - Construction of a centralized sanitation system in the city of Karmana (Karmana sub-project) - AFD financed

Karmana (50,000 inhabitants), in the Navoi province, has been recently equipped with a modern water supply system under an Asian Development Bank-financed project which covers most
of the city. But no centralized sanitation system has been implemented in parallel. The Project will complement the ADB-financed intervention in providing for the construction of a sewer network (indicative total length 140 km), aiming at approximately 80% coverage of the population.
It will include the connection of 12,400 households to the sanitation system. The project will also provide for the construction under a Design-Build-Operate contract of a modern wastewater treatment plant compatible with the reuse of the treated effluent in irrigation. In addition, the project will cover the engineering services conventionally associated (detailed design, tender documentation preparation, support to tendering process, works supervision).

Sub-component 1.4 - Participation to the DBO contract - EU financed

To ensure a smooth know-how transfer and a reliable hand-over from each wastewater treatment plant Contractor to the concerned Suvtaminoti, both contracts for the construction
of a wastewater treatment plant will include the full responsibility for the operation during the first year after the commissioning. The related contracts will be based on the Gold F1D1C form of contract (Design Build Operate contract, DBO'), and adapted to meet the requirements of a short operation phase under the contract. This approach is quite new in Uzbekistan, but key to ensure the sustainability of the operation. Indeed, the newly created Suvtaminoti are young entities with weak technical
and financial capacities and require important capacity development to be able to operate this new kind of infrastructure (especially during the first years). It is proposed that part of the EU-grant serve as an incentive for adopting this sustainable approach. After the first year, the operations of the built infrastructure will be handed-over to the two Suvtaminoti.


A dedicated project Implementation Unit (PIU) within the newly created JSC Uzsuvtaminot will be set, with the AFD approval. The PIU will be responsible of the kick off, the monitoring
and supervision of the Project implementation.
International Technical Assistance (TA) will be provided to Uzsuvtaminot JSC - specifically
to its PIU. The hired Technical Assistance will work closely with the PIU. The TA scope of services will include project coordination and planning, project implementation progress, procurement, contract management, budget and financial management, social and environmental compliance, grievance management and reporting.


Sub-component 3.1 - Capacity development of Suvtaminoti Navoi and Suvtaminoti Kashkadarya

The Suvtaminoti LLCs, formerly named "Suvokovas" are taking over all the duties
and responsibilities of the Suvokovas. The capacity development needs of these new entities remain the same in a wide range of areas, such as : (i) investment planning aimed at renewing assets
and increasing coverage and access (regional investment master plans), (ii) customer management including metering, billing and communication, (iii) asset management including gradual implementation of geographical information systems (GIS) and management of non-revenue water (NRW), (iv) financial management including tariffs revisions and accounting, (v) quality control
and standard operating procedures, etc.

An International Technical Assistance will provide capacity development to Suvtaminoti LLC
of Navoi and Suvtaminoti LLC of Kashkadarya in two areas:
- the above-mentioned cross-cutting areas, in close coordination with other IFIs already involved in the Uzbek water sector, with the objective to improve the JSC Uzsuvtaminot
and Suvtaminoti LLCs general operating performances and consolidate their financial sustainability;
- the project-specific area, i.e. the reliable operation of centralized sanitation systems,
and the development of new sanitation services : operation of wastewater treatment plants, management of industrial effluents including possible need for pre-treatment, conduct
of Information Education Communication campaigns to promote hygiene and connection
to the new sanitation systems, management of connection requests from poor households, handling of by-products (solid waste, grease and oil, sludge), valorization of sludge (biogas, compost, etc.), re-use of treated wastewater in irrigation, laboratory analytical skills, etc.

Sub-component 3.2 - Procurement of equipment to support operation by the two Suvtaminoti

In addition to the above Technical Assistance services, specific equipment will be procured
to support the two Suvtaminoti JSCs in their operational tasks. The envisaged equipment will fall into two categories:
- Equipment related to the operation of the newly built centralized sanitation systems:
high pressure sewer cleaning trucks, automatic wastewater sampler, H2S sensors, etc;
- equipment related to the need for modernizing the Suvtaminoti operation, in line with the sector reforms under implementation: financial management, broader use of IT, etc

In accordance with the Credit Facility Agreement, the responsible entity for the Project implementation is the JSC Uzsuvtaminot. The Project Implementation Unit established under Uzsuvtaminot JSC is responsible for overall Project coordination and supervision. The PIU located in Tashkent will be responsible for the timely and cost-effective implementation and completion of the Project. The PIU will be responsible for provision of assistance to the JSC Uzsuvtaminot and JSC Suvtaminotis in implementation of the Project in procurement, financial management, and other aspects to the extent required, in direct communication with the Bank. The JSC Uzsuvtaminot acts as the Client and is responsible for the implementation of the project, including the execution of works, project management, procurement, security, etc., as described in more detail in the Project Administrational Manual.

If you like this vacancy and you believe that requirements set match your specialization, educational background, work experience, and skills you can send your resume for this vacancy.

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