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Project assistant/Junior biodiversity expert

Employer FAO Uzbekistan

Information on vacancy
Period of publication 18.09.2024 - 02.10.2024
Field of activity /
Office personnel / Assistant
Duties This position is intended to be located at Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change (MoEEPCC)

The Team leader assistant position seated in the MoEEPCC will be responsible for timely delivery of reports of project "Food System, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program in Uzbekistan" activities under Component 3, and keeping accounting records, providing material and technical support for the project-related activities together with the Ministry's responsible employees within the framework of the Operational Partner Agreement (OPA). Provide logistical support for project events, undertake procurement and financial activities and support consultant fieldwork and data collection, reporting to Project National Coordinator and Project Steering Committee (PSC).
The Project assistant/Junior biodiversity expert will be responsible for:
- Provide logistical support for project provide logistical support for project events;
- Monitoring financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports of the OP;
- Assist in submitting the OP quarterly, six-monthly technical and financial reports to FAO and facilitate the information exchange between the MoEEPCC and FAO;
- Organizing and Coordinating travel arrangements for project staff and other international consultants;
- Keeping records and files of financial and technical documentation and reports of the project;
- Prepare training plan and conduct training courses, assisting in coordinating with human resources to schedule interviews and hire new consultants;
- Preparation and implementation of the procurement plan and undertake financial activities and support consultant field work and data collection;
- Assisting in the monitoring day-to-day operations of the project activities
- Administrative reporting of the project activities under Component 3 as per the OPA;
- Support preparation of Terms of Reference and Contracts required to implement AWP/B project activities as per the OPA;
- Supporting in preparation of the reports biodiversity status in Uzbekistan relevant to the current project;
- Assisting in evaluation of the Number of ha of land under effective management and land degradation avoided/ reduced/restored in habitats such as riparian zones for enhanced biodiversity conservation, ecosystem connectivity and species conservation
- A number of mechanisms or models developed for sharing of benefits derived from increased coordination of land planning and use
- Participation in field visits and workshops as required throughout the project implementation process, with support from FAO-UZ;
- Assisting in formulation of a strategy for the sustainability and scaling out of project impacts under Component 3, to achieve the large-scale transformational impact required by the FOLUR Impact Program
- Carrying out any other activities relevant to this assignment

Expected Outputs

1. Completion of assigned tasks and responsibilities on timely basis including budget
2. Supported project daily operations, implementation and work plans
3. Travel arrangements, trainings, workshops and other capacity building activities are organized as per project work plan.
4. Proposals for project interventions including relevant project activities and budget
5. Formulation of a strategy for the sustainability and scaling out of project impacts under Component 3

Timeline: To be finalized within three months of the assignment
Requirements to the candidate
Age: Irrelevant
Gender: Irrelevant
Residence: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Education: Unfinished higher
Professional requirements Minimum requirements

Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree in Biodiversity, Ecology or related field.
Minimum number of years of relevant experience 5 years
Biodiversity including field experience
Having financial knowledge
Working languages are Uzbek and English (knowledge of Russian language can be taken into account)
Working conditions
Region Tashkent
Employment Full
Salary offered TBD

If you like this vacancy and you believe that requirements set match your specialization, educational background, work experience, and skills you can send your resume for this vacancy.

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