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ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
91238 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Economist Other |
Surhandarya region, Termez |
22.03.2024 15:06:51 |
91236 |
Guarding, security / Guard service coordinator HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Chief specialist Office personnel / Administrator Social security, humanitarian aid / Project manager Public work / Project Officer |
Tashkent |
14.12.2024 15:57:32 |
91235 |
Procurement, tenders / Procurement Specialist |
Namangan region, Pap |
24.09.2024 12:40:38 |
91229 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial manager |
Tashkent |
20.02.2024 12:15:23 |
91227 |
Public work / Project manager |
Tashkent |
05.03.2024 18:08:10 |
91225 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Analyst Finance, accounting, consulting / Assistant manager Finance, accounting, consulting / Economist Finance, accounting, consulting / Specialist Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Foreign economic activity manager |
Djizak region, Usmat settlement |
24.10.2024 23:37:06 |
91223 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Analyst |
Tashkent |
18.02.2024 14:31:41 |
91220 |
Construction / Engineer |
Tashkent |
18.02.2024 00:31:27 |
91219 |
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Office manager HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Recruiter HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Personnel manager |
Tashkent |
18.02.2024 15:21:39 |
91218 |
Science, education / Teacher Science, education / Coordinator Work for students |
Tashkent |
17.02.2024 22:00:34 |
91216 |
Science, education / Educational Advisor Exchange / Regional representative Research projects / Research Coordinator Standardization, certification / Project coordinator |
Horezm region, Gurlen |
25.02.2024 11:48:09 |
91215 |
Banking / Financial analytic |
Tashkent |
16.12.2024 17:01:03 |
91212 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Chief specialist |
Tashkent |
26.12.2024 10:56:48 |
91209 |
Procurement, tenders / Procurement manager Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Foreign economic activity manager Research projects / Project manager Agriculture, irrigation / Supplier Trade and sales / Top manager |
Tashkent |
02.03.2024 20:22:16 |
91208 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial analyst Finance, accounting, consulting / Accountant |
Tashkent |
17.02.2024 09:06:32 |
91205 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Manager |
Tashkent |
05.03.2024 08:27:37 |
91203 |
Agriculture, irrigation / Irrigational building engineer |
Namangan region, Turakurgan |
16.02.2024 11:50:33 |
91202 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Consultant Other |
Tashkent |
22.02.2024 12:38:27 |
91201 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial Department Head |
Tashkent region |
16.02.2024 10:13:23 |
91195 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Specialist |
Tashkent |
29.04.2024 13:17:28 |
Personal account |