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ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
91382 |
Science, education |
Tashkent |
27.11.2024 14:55:00 |
91380 |
Agriculture, irrigation / Manager Research projects / Specialist Research projects / Research Coordinator Science, education / Ñoordinator assistant |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan, Amudarya |
22.01.2025 14:54:03 |
91378 |
Social security, humanitarian aid / Project Assistant. Finance, accounting, consulting / Administrative / Financial Assistant Office personnel / Administrator |
Tashkent |
23.05.2024 12:20:01 |
91375 |
Research projects |
Tashkent |
26.07.2024 13:43:12 |
91371 |
Research projects / Specialist Science, education / Translator Public work / Programme Assistant |
Tashkent |
11.03.2024 01:32:39 |
91370 |
Science, education / Coordinator Science, education / Educational Advisor Science, education / Teacher |
Belarus, Minsk |
04.03.2024 12:12:40 |
91367 |
Other |
Tashkent |
30.04.2024 14:25:12 |
91362 |
Research projects / Specialist Advertising, marketing and PR / Specialist Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial analyst Banking / Specialist Research projects / Assistant manager |
Tashkent |
27.02.2024 16:03:19 |
91359 |
Procurement, tenders / Procurement manager Procurement, tenders / Consultant Procurement, tenders / Manager |
Tashkent |
04.03.2024 16:04:21 |
91358 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Manager HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Project manager Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial manager |
Tashkent |
04.04.2024 21:45:43 |
91357 |
Other |
Surhandarya region, Termez |
06.03.2024 19:54:25 |
91355 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Head (chief) of department (directorate) Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Deputy director Procurement, tenders / Manager |
Russia |
28.02.2024 19:17:06 |
91354 |
Public work |
Tashkent |
18.03.2024 10:29:50 |
91351 |
Public work / Project manager Research projects / Assistant programme coordinator Office personnel / Assistant manager Trade and sales / Partner service manager Standardization, certification / Leading expert (specialist) |
Tashkent |
22.01.2025 12:24:25 |
91348 |
Banking / Manager Real estate / Real estate sales agent (realtor) |
Tashkent |
12.07.2024 13:30:02 |
91346 |
Social security, humanitarian aid / Project Assistant. |
Tashkent |
27.02.2024 09:13:47 |
91345 |
Research projects / Research Coordinator |
Djizak region, Djizak district |
26.02.2024 17:27:09 |
91344 |
Medicine, pharmaceutics, health service / Manager Social security, humanitarian aid / Project coordinator Research projects / Research Coordinator |
Tashkent |
20.11.2024 08:31:43 |
91342 |
Fergana region, Fergana |
25.09.2024 14:42:44 |
91334 |
Science, education / Psychologist |
Tashkent |
10.12.2024 11:44:06 |
Personal account |