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ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
92770 |
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Chief specialist |
Tashkent |
04.08.2024 20:34:52 |
92768 |
Science, education / Educational Advisor |
Tashkent |
29.07.2024 23:36:20 |
92763 |
Construction / Analyst Standardization, certification / Project coordinator Advertising, marketing and PR / Sociologist Finance, accounting, consulting / Chief specialist Maintenance works and technical support / Labour protection and safety engineer |
Bukhara region |
13.01.2025 17:42:23 |
92760 |
Social security, humanitarian aid / Project coordinator |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan, Nukus |
20.01.2025 12:58:28 |
92756 |
Research projects / Manager Science, education / Project manager |
Tashkent |
19.09.2024 08:06:07 |
92755 |
Science, education / Specialist |
Tashkent |
27.12.2024 16:41:47 |
92754 |
Science, education / Head (chief) of department (directorate) |
India, Kolkata |
05.07.2024 11:04:14 |
92752 |
Office personnel / Assistant manager Advertising, marketing and PR / Brand manager |
Tashkent |
05.07.2024 11:57:32 |
92747 |
IT and WEB projects / Content manager Trade and sales / Sales representative Procurement, tenders / Manager Advertising, marketing and PR / Head (chief) of division Research projects / Assistant programme coordinator |
Tashkent |
13.01.2025 23:14:35 |
92743 |
Science, education / Specialist |
Tashkent |
01.09.2024 10:24:44 |
92737 |
Research projects / Expert Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial analyst Public work / Project manager Public work / Analyst Exchange / Regional manager |
Tashkent |
21.08.2024 23:19:29 |
92731 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Head (chief) of department (directorate) |
Tashkent |
15.08.2024 10:31:48 |
92162 |
Tashkent |
26.11.2024 14:29:23 |
92726 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial manager Finance, accounting, consulting / Chief accountant (accountant general) Finance, accounting, consulting / Economist Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Declarant Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Customs broker |
Kashkadarya region |
02.09.2024 09:34:58 |
88377 |
Other |
Tashkent |
22.01.2025 00:20:29 |
92720 |
Architecture, design / Designer constructor Construction / Engineer Construction / Electric Maintenance works and technical support / Engineer Services / Electrical power systems engineer |
Kashkadarya region, Dekhkanabad |
10.09.2024 10:04:42 |
92717 |
Office personnel / Administrator Science, education / Coordinator Science, education / Teacher Office personnel / Office manager Science, education / Translator |
Andijan region, Andijan |
19.10.2024 18:40:21 |
92713 |
Office personnel / Office manager |
Tashkent |
17.07.2024 09:05:53 |
92712 |
Banking / SWIFT specialist |
Tashkent |
28.10.2024 11:04:22 |
92711 |
Construction / Engineer HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Office manager Office personnel / Translator |
Djizak region, Djizak |
22.01.2025 14:29:09 |
Personal account |