Warning! Access denied. Full access is available to registered companies only! |
ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
94791 |
Agriculture, irrigation / Agronom Science, education / Consultant Science, education / Business trainer |
Tashkent |
19.01.2025 18:26:53 |
94789 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Marketing specialist |
Tashkent |
18.01.2025 22:47:59 |
94783 |
Public work / Programme Assistant Mass media, publishing, polygraph / Correspondent Advertising, marketing and PR / Project manager |
Tashkent |
21.01.2025 17:02:34 |
94779 |
Office personnel / Assistant Science, education / Teacher |
Tashkent |
13.01.2025 21:23:55 |
94776 |
Office personnel / Office manager |
Tashkent |
19.01.2025 17:03:47 |
94773 |
Research projects / Assistant manager HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Project manager Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Foreign economic activity manager Research projects / Research Coordinator Work for students |
Tashkent |
20.01.2025 00:37:37 |
94769 |
Construction / Chief engineer Construction / Engineer Construction / Chief specialist Construction / Const engineer |
Bukhara region |
15.01.2025 08:54:38 |
94767 |
Science, education / Teacher |
Tashkent |
13.01.2025 22:34:43 |
94762 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Marketing specialist |
Tashkent |
09.01.2025 13:53:33 |
94759 |
Office personnel / Assistant Maintenance works and technical support / Manager |
Andijan region |
10.01.2025 19:42:34 |
94758 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Interviewer |
Kashkadarya region, Karshi district |
09.01.2025 11:58:10 |
94755 |
Office personnel / Specialist |
Tashkent |
09.01.2025 02:06:55 |
94754 |
Science, education / Teacher |
Tashkent |
20.01.2025 22:43:35 |
94751 |
Other |
Tashkent |
08.01.2025 18:42:28 |
94748 |
IT and WEB projects / Head (chief) of division IT and WEB projects / Head (chief) of department (directorate) IT and WEB projects / Consultant |
Tashkent |
20.01.2025 12:17:37 |
94745 |
Banking / Financial analytic Research projects / Project manager Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial analyst |
Tashkent |
09.01.2025 14:55:41 |
94739 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Economist Advertising, marketing and PR / Marketing Officer |
Tashkent |
09.01.2025 23:37:23 |
94738 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Manager Banking / Manager |
Tashkent |
20.01.2025 16:29:19 |
94735 |
Construction |
Fergana region, Fergana |
15.01.2025 11:36:55 |
94733 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Deputy director |
Syrdarya region, Gulistan |
20.01.2025 14:32:38 |
Personal account |