Warning! Access denied. Full access is available to registered companies only! |
ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
82202 |
Agriculture, irrigation / Regional representative Construction / Project manager |
Bukhara region |
23.12.2024 11:18:49 |
82194 |
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / HR Manager/ Business Partner |
Tashkent |
18.01.2023 11:38:53 |
82187 |
Office personnel / Office manager |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan, Nukus |
05.12.2024 12:45:06 |
82174 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Administrative / Financial Assistant HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Recruiter Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Administrator Social security, humanitarian aid / Project Assistant. |
Tashkent |
10.06.2024 14:39:23 |
82154 |
Science, education / Teacher Office personnel / Program Officer Other |
Tashkent |
21.08.2023 11:37:52 |
7347 |
Office personnel / Translator |
Tashkent |
18.10.2024 14:28:24 |
82127 |
Research projects / Leading expert (specialist) Public work / Project Officer Insurance / Chief specialist Medicine, pharmaceutics, health service / Chief specialist Science, education / Chief specialist |
Tashkent |
09.01.2025 09:11:12 |
82122 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Investment specialist |
Tashkent |
15.08.2023 14:52:26 |
82121 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Financial manager |
Tashkent |
17.03.2022 06:27:34 |
82118 |
Services / Administrator |
Tashkent |
07.08.2022 21:15:17 |
82114 |
Office personnel / Assistant head (manager) Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Logistic Procurement, tenders / Procurement Specialist Production / Assistant project manager Social security, humanitarian aid / Coordinator |
Kashkadarya region |
05.11.2024 08:40:48 |
82112 |
Jurisprudence, law / Jurist. Legal adviser |
Tashkent |
29.11.2022 08:39:26 |
82097 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Manager Transport / Logistic manager Office personnel / Office manager Trade and sales / Foreign economic activity specialist |
Bukhara region |
31.01.2022 09:34:22 |
82085 |
Jurisprudence, law / Lawyer Jurisprudence, law / Jurist. Legal adviser Jurisprudence, law / Project coordinator Jurisprudence, law / Project manager |
Tashkent |
06.03.2023 09:47:15 |
82080 |
Jurisprudence, law / Lawyer Jurisprudence, law |
Tashkent |
29.06.2024 19:27:20 |
82072 |
Procurement, tenders / Procurement manager Trade and sales / Sales manager Trade and sales / Regional representative Office personnel / Translator Other |
Tashkent |
23.02.2024 11:29:45 |
82070 |
Other |
Syrdarya region, Gulistan |
15.08.2024 09:54:40 |
82066 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Project manager |
Tashkent |
28.09.2022 08:30:08 |
82064 |
Science, education / Teacher |
Tashkent |
01.02.2022 12:26:27 |
82048 |
Other |
Tashkent |
03.08.2022 10:46:51 |
Personal account |