Warning! Access denied. Full access is available to registered companies only! |
ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
82788 |
Other |
Tashkent |
23.10.2024 09:35:09 |
82779 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Logistic Trade and sales / Purchases manager |
Tashkent |
27.01.2022 07:29:02 |
82766 |
Banking / Director |
Tashkent |
26.01.2022 12:51:21 |
82764 |
Science, education / Director |
Namangan region, Namangan |
03.02.2022 22:33:34 |
82763 |
Other |
Tashkent |
05.06.2024 09:50:25 |
82761 |
Procurement, tenders / Procurement Specialist |
Tashkent |
26.08.2024 09:24:32 |
82760 |
Services / Consultant |
Horezm region, Urgench |
07.02.2022 09:39:01 |
82756 |
Other |
Tashkent |
24.01.2022 22:34:07 |
82754 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / PR manager |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan |
14.02.2022 10:14:46 |
76625 |
Jurisprudence, law / Lawyer Jurisprudence, law / Consultant Research projects / Assistant project manager Research projects / Assistant manager |
Tashkent |
06.05.2022 15:32:08 |
82752 |
Other |
Tashkent |
05.10.2022 15:56:17 |
82751 |
Other |
Tashkent |
13.04.2022 14:32:27 |
82750 |
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Project manager Mass media, publishing, polygraph / Manager Trade and sales / Regional manager |
Tashkent |
26.01.2022 22:34:14 |
82749 |
Office personnel / Executive trainees |
Namangan region, Uchkurgan |
23.01.2022 15:44:46 |
82740 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Sales and Ìarketing specialist HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / HR Manager/ Business Partner |
Tashkent |
07.02.2022 11:38:07 |
82739 |
Maintenance works and technical support / Specialist |
Djizak region, Usmat settlement |
31.05.2022 21:31:11 |
82738 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Assistant manager Advertising, marketing and PR / Marketing Officer Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Tourism agent |
Tashkent |
11.04.2022 12:37:04 |
82736 |
Jurisprudence, law |
Tashkent |
23.01.2022 15:49:51 |
82733 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Awareness & Outreach Specialist |
Tashkent |
28.04.2022 17:51:32 |
82731 |
Architecture, design / Projector IT and WEB projects / PC assembler Maintenance personnel / Gardener Maintenance personnel Production / Leading expert (specialist) |
Tashkent region, Chirchik |
30.03.2022 16:02:33 |
Personal account |