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FE Posco International Textile

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
Light industry / Spinning manufacture
Description: "POSCO International Textile" is a modern dynamic company that specializes in production of textile products: fabrics and yarn, using the best grades of cotton as raw material.

"POSCO International Textile" is located in the south of Fergana Valley in eastern part of Uzbekistan and has four manufacturing plants located in cities of Fergana and Bukhara and villages of Tashlak and Kumtepa.

Company was founded in April 1996 by the South Korean Corporation "Daewoo International" (currently POSCO Daewoo Corporation), which invested about $ 150 million in development of textile production.

"POSCO International Textile" refers to the State Joint Stock Company "Uzbekengilsanoat", which unites 300 enterprises of cotton, silk, knitted, sewing and other sub-sectors.

Our products fully comply with international quality standards.
Benefits of working in the company: POSCO International Textile try to ensure that each employee develops to the maximum their general and professional capabilities, regardless of their position.

The main criteria for evaluating the activities of company's employees is the effectiveness of work, potential and desire for further development. Each company employee has career prospects.

Attracting young employees is one of the main priorities of the company's personnel policy. If you want to work in a stable, strong and united team, join us!

Vacancies published by the company

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