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Study facilities

Study facilities (12)

Study facilities in: Russian  

Uzbekistan-Japan Center for Human Development

Description of study facility
Region Tashkent
Status Learning Center
Description The Uzbekistan-Japan Center for Human Development was established in compliance with the agreement between the governments of Uzbekistan and Japan concluded in October 2000. Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan on one side and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on the other acted as the Founders of the Center.
The purpose of this new public organization is to train specialists for facilitating business development in Uzbekistan, to enhance mutual understanding and strengthen friendly relations between the two countries through communicating various information and introducing the culture and language of Japan to the people in Uzbekistan who show keen interest in this country.
The Center is open to a wide range of visitors including students, graduates, teachers, entrepreneurs and all those who wish to learn more about Japan and take part in the cultural exchange between our countries.
Activities of the Uzbekistan-Japan Center:
There are four main aspects of our Center's activities -
Running business courses;
Teaching Japanese language;
Computer education for deaf and hearing impaired persons;
Promoting information and cultural exchange between our countries.
Information on further education
Course specialization: МВА programmes
Name of the course (s): Professional Management Program - 5 months MBA type education course.
Language of instruction Russian
Education form Evening
Course specialization: Marketing and promotion
Name of the course (s): Advanced Marketing. 2 weeks advanced level training conducted by Japanese Business Consultant. It includes company visits, practical work-shops, develpment of marketing strategies and others.
Language of instruction Russian (interpreted from Japanese)
Education form Evening
Course specialization: Management
Name of the course (s): HRM, HRD. 2 weeks advanced level training conducted by Domestic experts and business consultants.
Language of instruction Russian
Education form Evening
Course specialization: Business, entrepreneurship
Name of the course (s): Regional Business Training. Usually 1 week duration.
Covering such topics as, Business Management, Sales and Effective communications, HRM-HRD, Entreprenurship, Business planning, Practical Marketing and others.

Trainings are provided in such regions as Bukhara, Samarqand, Kashkadarya, Fergana. Also it is planned to expand to other regions depending on regional demands.
Language of instruction Russian
Education form Daily
Contact Information
Address: 6th floor, International Business Centre, 107-B, Amir Temur street, Tashkent, 100084, Uzbekistan
Telephone / fax: Telephones: +998 (71) 120-73-94/95, 235-13-28; Fax: +998 (71) 120-73-96
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