Warning! Access denied. Full access is available to registered companies only! |
ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
89949 |
Procurement, tenders / Procurement Specialist |
Tashkent |
25.10.2023 10:36:11 |
89944 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Marketing Officer |
Tashkent |
22.10.2023 11:09:35 |
89943 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Interviewer Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Foreign economic activity manager |
Tashkent |
23.10.2023 13:49:33 |
89939 |
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Office manager Guarding, security / Security Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Logistic Services / Administrator Office personnel / Administrator |
Chakwal, Pakistan |
22.10.2023 07:40:09 |
89938 |
Banking / Specialist on correspondence/international relations Research projects |
Tashkent |
14.05.2024 20:42:41 |
89933 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Chief accountant (accountant general) Finance, accounting, consulting / Chief specialist Finance, accounting, consulting / Economist |
Tashkent |
19.12.2023 18:02:46 |
89931 |
Research projects Office personnel / Translator |
Tashkent |
29.10.2023 10:32:41 |
89929 |
Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Guide interpreter Advertising, marketing and PR / Designer Science, education / Teacher |
Tashkent |
09.11.2023 14:25:16 |
89921 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Specialist Work for students Exchange / Specialist Standardization, certification / Specialist Banking / Money transfer specialist |
Tashkent |
11.09.2024 23:40:48 |
89920 |
Procurement, tenders / Manager Public work / Project manager |
Tashkent |
03.01.2024 11:32:45 |
89919 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Assistant manager Procurement, tenders / Assistant manager Office personnel / Program Officer Public work / Project manager |
Tashkent |
05.03.2024 10:53:20 |
89918 |
Office personnel / Assistant head (manager) Production / Engineer Research projects / Research Coordinator Architecture, design / Projector IT and WEB projects / Programmer |
Tashkent |
04.03.2024 10:17:31 |
89915 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Logistic Procurement, tenders / Procurement Specialist Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Manager Office personnel / Office manager |
Samarkand region, Samarkand |
06.01.2025 12:20:49 |
89910 |
Science, education / Business trainer HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Regional representative |
Tashkent |
18.10.2023 20:59:22 |
89909 |
Finance, accounting, consulting |
Tashkent |
01.11.2023 16:07:26 |
89907 |
Agriculture, irrigation / Irrigational building engineer |
Tashkent |
12.12.2024 18:27:48 |
89906 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Foreign economic activity manager Office personnel / Communication officer Public work / Project Officer |
Tashkent |
19.10.2023 09:37:22 |
89901 |
Banking / Analyst IT and WEB projects / Group head Research projects / Research Coordinator Science, education / Research officer |
Tashkent |
03.10.2024 12:05:59 |
89896 |
Office personnel / Assistant |
Tashkent |
19.09.2024 17:39:13 |
89895 |
Other |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan |
18.10.2023 09:45:20 |
Personal account |