Warning! Access denied. Full access is available to registered companies only! |
ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
93793 |
Medicine, pharmaceutics, health service / Product manager Science, education / Project manager Science, education / Manager |
Tashkent |
09.10.2024 11:03:14 |
93791 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Sales and Ìarketing specialist Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Assistant manager Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Logistic Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Manager Work for students |
Tashkent |
01.10.2024 23:09:22 |
93787 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Manager Other |
Tashkent |
17.10.2024 13:49:09 |
93786 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Economist |
Tashkent |
01.10.2024 15:08:47 |
93785 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Marketing specialist Advertising, marketing and PR / PR manager |
Tashkent |
21.11.2024 09:00:06 |
93780 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Analyst Finance, accounting, consulting / Economist Social security, humanitarian aid / Coordinator |
Tashkent |
02.10.2024 21:09:31 |
93759 |
Jurisprudence, law / Lawyer |
Tashkent |
30.10.2024 18:08:26 |
93778 |
IT and WEB projects / Programmer |
Tashkent |
30.09.2024 20:16:38 |
93777 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity Social security, humanitarian aid Public work Procurement, tenders Office personnel |
Tashkent |
22.01.2025 13:58:32 |
93772 |
Social security, humanitarian aid / Assistant project coordinator |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan, Nukus |
05.12.2024 15:30:05 |
93766 |
Transport / Driver |
Kashkadarya region, Karshi |
06.11.2024 16:38:47 |
93673 |
Science, education / Translator |
Fergana region |
01.01.2025 20:06:13 |
93762 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Expert in marketing |
Tashkent |
01.10.2024 12:17:58 |
93757 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Project manager |
Tashkent |
24.10.2024 11:04:33 |
93753 |
Work for students |
Tashkent |
01.10.2024 17:53:50 |
93752 |
IT and WEB projects |
Tashkent region |
30.09.2024 22:19:32 |
93748 |
Jurisprudence, law / Lawyer |
Tashkent |
27.09.2024 20:26:28 |
93747 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Manager |
Tashkent |
16.12.2024 13:57:26 |
93745 |
Work for students |
Tashkent |
04.11.2024 17:10:09 |
93744 |
Research projects / Programme coordinator |
Tashkent |
21.12.2024 11:22:14 |
Personal account |