Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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ID Field of activity / Position Region Date of last visit
84613 Office personnel / Translator
Advertising, marketing and PR / Copywriter
Mass media, publishing, polygraph / Editor
Science, education / Translator
Science, education / Educational Advisor
Bukhara region 19.07.2022 21:36:52
84611 IT and WEB projects / Programmer
IT and WEB projects / Database administrator
IT and WEB projects / Project manager
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Foreign economic activity manager
Tashkent 30.08.2023 13:24:28
84606 Science, education / Teacher
Science, education / Translator
Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Guide interpreter
Social security, humanitarian aid / Teacher
Science, education / Educational Advisor
Tashkent 26.06.2022 21:45:20
84605 Science, education / Teacher Syrdarya region 30.06.2022 13:47:46
84604 Science, education / Methodologist
Research projects / Programme coordinator
Tashkent 26.06.2022 16:54:46
84603 Science, education / Methodologist Tashkent 27.06.2022 12:49:19
84602 Science, education / Educational Advisor Tashkent 02.07.2022 10:57:51
84600 Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Logistic
Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Tourism agent
Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Tour operator
Real estate / Consultant
Real estate / Middleman
Tashkent 14.07.2022 09:08:20
84597 Science, education / Tutor Tashkent region 30.06.2022 22:34:26
84596 Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Manager Tashkent 26.05.2024 03:56:33
84594 Science, education / Teacher Tashkent 30.06.2022 17:41:11
84590 Science, education / Teacher
Research projects / Project manager
IT and WEB projects / Consultant analyst
Namangan region, Uychy 01.07.2022 19:14:54
84586 Office personnel
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers
Tashkent 25.02.2025 12:54:56
84584 Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Specialist
Office personnel / Office manager
Office personnel / Translator
Science, education / Teacher
Science, education / Translator
Tashkent 01.07.2022 15:47:54
84583 Other Tashkent 02.09.2022 15:42:18
84582 Science, education / Teacher Tashkent 10.02.2024 20:17:37
84579 Science, education / Specialist
Science, education / Teacher
Tashkent 24.06.2022 10:35:10
84574 Science, education / Teacher Tashkent 07.08.2024 10:34:35
84573 Science, education / Teacher
Science, education / Translator
Science, education / Ñoordinator assistant
Mass media, publishing, polygraph / Correspondent
Tashkent 08.07.2022 16:57:25
84571 Research projects
Advertising, marketing and PR / Marketing specialist
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Project manager
Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Manager
Tashkent 04.12.2024 21:28:12

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