Warning! Access denied. Full access is available to registered companies only! |
ID |
Field of activity / Position |
Region |
Date of last visit |
84563 |
Science, education / Teacher Science, education / Educational Advisor Science, education / Methodologist |
Tashkent |
27.06.2022 15:51:58 |
84562 |
Other |
Tashkent |
06.07.2022 12:34:34 |
84561 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Forwarding agent Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Manager Advertising, marketing and PR / Analyst HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / HR Manager/ Business Partner |
Tashkent |
27.09.2022 23:40:10 |
84559 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Administrative / Financial Assistant |
Tashkent |
23.06.2022 11:27:14 |
84557 |
Other |
Surhandarya region, Termez |
23.06.2022 10:24:03 |
84544 |
Services / Driver Guarding, security / Security guard |
Tashkent |
22.06.2022 12:54:03 |
84541 |
Advertising, marketing and PR / Expert in marketing IT and WEB projects / Content manager |
Tashkent |
07.09.2023 14:31:42 |
84533 |
Science, education / Teacher |
Tashkent |
09.08.2022 13:32:18 |
84529 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Head (chief) of department (directorate) Procurement, tenders / Consultant Office personnel / Translator Finance, accounting, consulting / Accountant |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan, Nukus |
24.10.2022 14:40:23 |
84526 |
Banking / Specialist |
Tashkent |
20.06.2022 11:12:27 |
84524 |
Finance, accounting, consulting / Consultant Finance, accounting, consulting / Business trainer Finance, accounting, consulting / Project manager |
Tashkent |
02.07.2024 13:55:26 |
84514 |
Office personnel / Assistant manager |
Tashkent |
27.07.2022 17:44:04 |
84509 |
Science, education / Teacher |
Tashkent |
21.06.2022 20:56:03 |
84502 |
Office personnel / Program Officer Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Tourism agent |
Tashkent |
16.07.2022 22:37:13 |
84500 |
Tourism, hotel and restaurant business |
Tashkent |
29.06.2022 12:24:55 |
84498 |
Maintenance works and technical support / Technical specialist Construction / Engineer Construction / Const engineer Standardization, certification / Chief specialist Construction / Chief specialist |
Respubliñ of Karakalpakstan, Nukus |
22.02.2024 08:22:12 |
84026 |
Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Guide interpreter |
Djizak region, Dustlik |
19.07.2022 13:52:30 |
84487 |
Logistic, warehouse, foreign economic activity / Manager Procurement, tenders / Assistant manager Trade and sales / Head of direction |
Tashkent |
09.07.2024 23:42:51 |
84481 |
HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Personnel manager Tourism, hotel and restaurant business / Receptionist |
Tashkent |
16.06.2022 03:28:24 |
84472 |
Construction / Labour protection and safety engineer Procurement, tenders / Assistant manager HR, personnel specialists, business trainers / Deputy Head (chief) of HR department |
Tashkent |
16.06.2022 09:46:47 |
Personal account |