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Korea International Cooperation Agency

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
International representative offices / Intergovernmental projects
Description: The Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) was established as a government agency on April 1991 dedicated to contribute to the advancement of international cooperation through various projects that build friendly and collaborative relationships and mutual exchanges between Korea and partner country and support the economic and social development in parter countries.

KOICA Uzbekistan office was established in 1995, and plays a crucial role in implementing KOICA's field-oriented aid programs. In particular, the office makes a great effort to maximize the effectiveness of ODA programs through policy discussion and demand research under close collaboration with the local government, with a focus on Education, Healthcare, Public Administration.
Among the priority directions KOICA pays a special emphasis at:

- Fostering technology-based future professionals and strengthening the capability of employment and job creation;

- Improving transparent, efficient and reliable public administration services.

- Establishing a high-quality and modernized health care service system;
In healthcare, KOICA performs capacity building of medical personnel, infectious diseases prevention and provision of equipment within its projects
URL of the website:

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