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Lead Exposure Elimination Project

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
Public and professional organizations, funds & associations / Charity organizations and funds
Description: LEEP is an impact-driven non-profit that aims to eliminate childhood lead poisoning, a problem affecting an estimated one in three children worldwide.

We primarily focus on one important source of exposure: lead paint. Our paint programs involve generating data, supporting governments with the introduction and enforcement of regulation, and assisting manufacturers in switching to lead-free paints.

We have launched lead paint elimination programs in 21 countries across three continents
We have received government commitments of regulation implementation in 13 countries (e.g., in Angola); reports of paint manufacturers switching to lead-free (e.g., in Pakistan); and evidence of lead paint levels on the market reducing because of our work (in Malawi)
Founders Pledge estimates that it costs $1.66 to prevent one child's lead exposure (in expectation) through our work, making LEEP one of its most cost-effective nonprofit recommendations

We are a partner of the WHO and UN Environment Programme's Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint

We have received grants from major grantmaking organisations, including Founders Pledge, Open Philanthropy, and Schmidt Futures

We have appeared in Time Magazine, The New Yorker, Nature, Prospect, Vox, and on the 80,000 Hours Podcast. Our co-founders were also named in Vox's Future Perfect 50
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