Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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Company Description
Region: Surhandarya region / Termez
Branch /
field of activities:
Power engineering / Electric power stations
Description: Our company's full name is SHANDONG TIEJUN ELECTRIC POWER ENGINEERING CO., LTD. , located in Qingdao, China. It was established in 2005(two thousand and five), we invest in and contract various types of power plants, seawater desalination, infrastructure construction, etc(etcetera). through EPCO, EPC, and other means in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa, and other places.
In Uzbekistan,the Navoi photovoltaic power station was built by our company.Recently, the project we invested in is building a combined cycle power plant in Termze of Uzbekistan. It is located 12 kilometers north of the city of Termez, where the environment is relatively good and close to the city.
Benefits of working in the company: 1.The overall office atmosphere here is quite good, and we are looking for employees who are more responsible.
2.The company belongs to an international engineering company and has sound management systems. It operates in accordance with the rules and regulations table and local labor laws.
3.The company is a large platform where one can learn more mature international engineering management experience.
4.The company offers generous compensation and benefits, with at least 21 days of paid annual leave per year and corresponding salary incentive policies in place.

Vacancies published by the company

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