Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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UzJobs - Job in Tashkent, resumes, vacancies. Search for jobs and personnel in Uzbekistan.  
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Companies (346)

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Silk Road Professionals

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
International representative offices / International organizations
Description: Silk Road Professionals equips software development teams in Central Asia to drive clients to new levels of success through staff augmentation and outsourcing services offered at high value and low cost.

Our vision is to build trust between programming teams in Central Asia and international clients by developing quality software on time, within budget and with clear communication.
Benefits of working in the company: • You will join a team of dedicated employees from around the world
• Comparable local salary
• 4 weeks of paid leave per year
• Allowance for partial remote work
• Semi-flexible hours
• Opportunities for skills development through firsthand experience and occasional trainings
URL of the website:

Vacancies published by the company

Currently this company has no open vacancies.
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If you want to work in the company selected, but there is currently no suitable vacancy for you, you may send your resume to the virtual "Reception" of the company, without waiting for the vacancy to appear.

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