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Project Coordination Unit of the World Bank

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
Housing & Communal services / Water supply - equipment, technical servicing
Description: The Government of Uzbekistan received loans from the International Development Association (IDA) for the implementation of Water services and Institutional Support Project (hereinafter Project).
This project will finance priority policy, institutional, and infrastructure activities at both the national and regional levels, to promote sector sustainability and accelerate progress towards achievement of the Government's development objectives. Moreover, the programmatic approach will support the ongoing sector reform process through comprehensive and consistent support to address existing challenges and constraints more broadly including support to performance improvement process; strengthening the central-level policy and planning framework; and institutional capacity for monitoring and regulation.
The Project Development Objective is to: (i) improve coverage, quality and efficiency of water supply and sanitation services in selected project areas; and (ii) strengthen the capacity of sector institutions for improved service delivery.
This project is aimed at expanding and improving water supply, sewerage services, and improving the efficiency and quality of services through the development of infrastructure and institutional support for Samarkand, Syrdarya and Republic of Karakalpakstan Suvtaminot LLCs (hereinafter Suvtaminot LLC).
In accordance with the Financing Agreements, the responsible entity for the Project implementation is the Uzsuvtaminot JSC. The Project Coordination Unit established under Uzsuvtaminot JSC is responsible for overall Project coordination and reporting. The PCU will be responsible for provision of assistance to the JSC Uzsuvtaminot and LLC Suvtaminots in implementation of the Project in procurement, financial management, and other aspects to the extent required, in direct communication with the Bank. The Uzsuvtaminot JSC acts as the Client and is responsible for the implementation of the project, including the execution of works, project management, procurement, security, etc., as described in more detail in the Project Operational Manuals.
The main responsibility of the PCU monitoring and evaluation specialist is to ensure monitoring of compliance with the project implementation activities with the Project Agreement. The operational, environmental and social aspects of the Project, as well as the Project Development Objectives, are subject to assessment and monitoring. Based on the project data, project progress reports will be developed and subsequently submitted to the World Bank and relevant departments. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist PCU based in Tashkent, will be responsible for the coordination of monitoring and evaluation and reporting on the project. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist PCU (Tashkent) should develop a robust monitoring and evaluation system to ensure that all project and related sector data is collected, analyzed and provided as input to project management systems, including evidence-based decision-making processes.

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