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German Sparkassenstiftung for International Kooperation

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
International representative offices / International organizations
Description: Organisation
German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation is the development-policy arm of Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe. Its task is to disseminate the successful Sparkasse model across regional borders and around the globe. By giving people in developing countries and emerging markets access to financial services, the foundation aims to create opportunities that will allow them to leave poverty behind.

Think globally, act locally, cooperate internationally
Sparkassen were founded in Germany over 200 years ago as microfinance institutions for low-income earners. Since then, they have developed into one of the largest financial groups in the world – one that successfully combines outstanding professionalism with a strong social mandate. With the task of taking this successful model to developing and emerging countries, German Sparkassenstiftung brings financial services to local people. The aim is to help them increase their prosperity and build up their own stable economic structures.
German Sparkassenstiftung supports local financial institutions to in conducting their business according to economic principles while at the same time fulfilling their social responsibility.

Universal financial access worldwide
German Sparkassenstiftung proactively supports to financial institutions that sustainably foster economic and social development at local, regional or national level through demand-oriented banking services. German Sparkassenstiftung's aim is to assist its partner institutions to become more professional and thus provide their customers with sustainable access to financial services. The main target groups are small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), as well as poor and socially marginalised groups. This focus on SMEs and low-income earners also benefits our partners, as serving these customer segments ensures stable and satisfactory returns in the long term.
URL of the website: https://sparkassenstiftung-uzb

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