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Companies (349)

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Green Building Council of Uzbekistan

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
Science & Education / Science & education - organizations
Description: NNU "Council for Ecological Construction of Uzbekistan" promotes environmentally friendly construction, green technologies, energy efficiency, sustainable development and renewable energy sources.

Our destinations:
1. Professional education
2. Green schools of Uzbekistan
3. Environmental activities
Benefits of working in the company: NNU "Council for Ecological Construction of Uzbekistan" is an organization with an important mission of promoting environmentally friendly construction. Our projects are aimed at improving buildings, cities and the ecology of Uzbekistan. Since the beginning of our work, more than 6,000 children have already been trained under the "Green Schools of Uzbekistan" program. We all need green buildings, eco-friendly cities and renewable energy sources.
Working in our organization, you will be able to contribute in a very important direction. You will be able to learn a lot about ecological construction, green economy, solar energy and much more. Our experts with international experience will teach you the best project management practices. Working in our public organization has a positive social and environmental impact. There is a potential for professional growth in our organization.
URL of the website:

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