International Strategic Center for Agri-Food Development |
Company Description |
Region: |
Tashkent |
Branch / field of activities: |
Agriculture / Other |
Description: |
The government of Uzbekistan has taken a significant step towards supporting the reform of the agri-food sector and implementing the Strategy for the Development of Agriculture for 2020-2030. This is evident through the establishment of the International Strategic Center for Agri-Food Development (ISCAD) under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The ISCAD has been established by virtue of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PD-58, which was issued on December 22, 2021. The center has been created to improve the system of reform research, strategic planning, and management in the food and agriculture sector. It plays a vital role in supporting future strategies and sector development plans. |
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