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Companies (349)

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NGO Smart School

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
Science & Education / Technical schools, specialized schools, colleges
Description: Our school opened its doors to the students of 1-11 grades in September, 2016. This is a school for a growing little people where they make hourly discoveries and embrace creative incarnations.
We believe that genuine transformation is possible with embracing new pedagogies and their shift in practice. We teach lessons that engage, excite and challenge young learners, fostering natural curiosity, love of learning and positive sense of belonging to our school family.
We create flexible learning environment with integration of modern teaching into the classroom which makes teaching engaging.
Our teachers:
* use collaboration in the classroom
* apply interactive ways of teaching
* take the role of a facilitator
* use modern teaching technology
* are dedicated in teaching, motivate and encourage students in learning
* are passionate for their work and commited to students' success.
Benefits of working in the company: Teaching in our school has many advantages over than other secondary schools:
*good teaching environment
*friendly and helpful authority
*small class sizes which enable teacher to achieve the focused goal
*decent salary
*modern, technically equipped classes
*no burden of paperwork.
URL of the website:

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