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UNDP, UN Joint Programme "Sustaining Livelihoods Affected by the Aral Sea Disaster"

Company Description
Region: Tashkent
Branch /
field of activities:
International representative offices / International organizations
Description: The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with five UN Agencies including UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, WHO and UNV agreed to implement a Joint Programme on "Sustaining Livelihoods Affected by the Aral Sea Disaster" approved for financing by the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security. The programme's goal is in line with the government's policy that highlights addressing the impact of the Aral Sea environmental disaster as a priority issue. It will also serve as a mean for broader advocacy around the issue of human security through capacity-building of local authorities and raising awareness on the issues of sustainable development. The programme will target poor rural communities in Karakalpakstan that are faced with unfavourable living circumstances.
This joint initiative is aimed at improving economic, food, health and environmental security for the population of Karakalpakstan affected by the Aral Sea environmental disaster.

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